  • Tom McGuinness
  • Phone - 087 2485070
  • Dermot Killen
  • Phone - 086 2552047

Mediation & Dispute Resolution

The founding Partners of MKP have more than four decades of mediation and dispute resolution experience whether it is between individual employees, at industrial relations level or between groups. We have also extensive experience of commercial mediation between shareholders or external suppliers and customers.

Mediation is a growing fast and inexpensive way to avoid costly and protracted disputes, including bullying/harassment claims.

Generally, speaking we meet with both parties to understand the issues and to prepare for the mediation.

We set out the framework and rules of engagement and begin the mediation.

We conclude with a simple written agreement that is signed by the parties.

We provide support if necessary to resolve any further issues and to facilitate sustainability and implementation

Each intervention is customised to suit the needs of the particular organisation and addresses the challenges facing the parties.

For further information and to let you know how we can be of help, please contact Dermot at 086 2552047 or Tom at 087 2485070.