  • Tom McGuinness
  • Phone - 087 2485070
  • Dermot Killen
  • Phone - 086 2552047

MKP’S Lean Business Programmes

The Lean Business Programmes will help to identify potential improvement areas and will support with implementation of comprehensive change to ensure the full benefits are realised.

Lean approaches & techniques apply equally to service and manufacturing companies.

MKP operate broadly three types of Programmes

Lean One is a short in-company assignment of up to 7 days which will introduce Lean principles and complete a specific cost reduction project that will make a definite impact.

Lean Two is a medium scale business process improvement project which will result in sustained use by the company of Lean techniques and related methodologies. This will achieve significant measurable gains in company competitiveness and capabilities.

Lean Three is a more extensive holistic company transformation programme that will embed the culture and competencies in the company necessary for on-going competitiveness gains, sustainable continuous improvement and business transformation across the organisation and its supply chain.

MKP practitioners are accredited members of Enterprise Ireland’s directory. For manufacturing and international traded services companies funding may be available from Enterprise Ireland.

For information regarding any of our services, please feel free to contact Tom at 087 2485070