  • Tom McGuinness
  • Phone - 087 2485070
  • Dermot Killen
  • Phone - 086 2552047

Graduate Recruitment and Succession Planning

Bringing in and nurturing the talent for the future is a key process for most companies. Like all processes, this needs to be managed carefully if the full benefits are to be realised.

MKP have the expertise and networks to offer you a seven-stage programme, which will ensure that you recruit, select and nurture the talent you need for your future success.

Stage One

  • Defining the organisation’s needs.
  • What are company’s objectives and strategic direction?
  • What skills and competencies will it need in the future?
  • What roles and expertise does it need to acquire and develop?
  • What clear benefits would there be to recruiting/developing talent as opposed to buying it in?

Stage Two

  • Defining what graduates have to offer to the company.

Stage Three

  • Defining what does it take to become an employer of choice for the best talent.

Stage Four

  • Specifying clearly the profiles and numbers of people required.

Stage Five

  • Marketing the company to target graduates – how, when, what?

Stage Six

  • Selecting the candidates – receiving applications, screening the candidates, short listing, final selection.

Stage Seven

  • Designing an induction program, putting in place a development program, monitoring and reviewing progress.

Your company's long term furture is with the next generation.

For further information, please contact Dermot Killen by email at